Privacy Policy

1. Introduction and Consent

Welcome to RedesignerLab, an innovative platform using artificial intelligence to help our users create practical and aesthetic spaces. The privacy and security of our users' personal data are at the heart of our concerns. This privacy policy aims to inform you about how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

2. Types of Personal Information Collected

Email Addresses : For the creation and management of your user account, as well as for communication.

Room Photos : Stored via Wasabi service to personalize and improve our interior design services.

Stripe Data : When you make transactions on our site, we use Stripe to manage payments. The information collected by Stripe may include billing and payment data. These details are essential for processing your transactions and ensuring the security of your purchases.

3. Use of Cookies

We use cookies to manage user sessions on our site. These cookies are essential to provide the services available on our website and to use some of its features, such as access to secure pages or the use of artificial intelligence.

4. Information on Changes to the Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy may be updated from time to time. We will inform you of any significant changes by email, using the address you have provided us.

5. Use of Collected Data

Authentication and Security : We use your data to authenticate access to your account and ensure the security of your personal information.

Photo Storage : The photos of the rooms you upload are stored to assist you in the design and customization of your interior design projects.

Non-Commercial Use : We want to reassure our users that we do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties. Your information is not used for direct marketing, advertising, or any other commercial activity outside the provision of our services.

We are committed to treating your personal data with respect and using it only for the purposes described above. Your continued use of our website constitutes your consent to our privacy policy.

6. Data Collection Methods

At RedesignerLab, we take care to collect your personal data in a transparent and secure manner. Here's how we proceed :

Direct Collection

At Registration: We collect your email address when you create an account on our platform. This step is necessary to establish your user profile and give you access to our services.

Uploading Photos: When you use our service to design your spaces, we collect the photos you upload. This process is essential to personalize your experience and provide you with tailored design advice.

Automatic Collection via Cookies

Session Cookies: Our site uses cookies to manage user sessions. These cookies are temporary and necessary to maintain the continuity of your user experience on our site. They allow us to recognize you during your different visits and to maintain the state of your current session.

Security and Privacy in Collection

We are committed to ensuring the security of your data during collection. All personal information is transmitted securely and stored in accordance with the highest security standards.

We only collect the data necessary for the provision of our services and refrain from collecting unnecessary information.

Consent and Control

Explicit Consent: At your registration and each time we collect personal information, we ask for your explicit consent.

Cookie Management: You have control over the use of cookies via your browser settings. We provide you with clear information on the use of cookies and offer you the opportunity to manage your preferences.

We are committed to collecting your personal data responsibly and in accordance with your consent. Your privacy is our priority, and we respect your right to control your personal data.

7. Data Sharing with Third Parties

We collaborate with trusted third parties to offer the best possible services. Here's how and with whom your data may be shared :

  • Cloudflare : We use Cloudflare to improve the security and performance of our site. Cloudflare may process certain data to fulfill these functions, but does not have the right to use your information for other purposes.
  • PulseHerberg : Our servers are hosted at PulseHerberg. They store our site's data, including your personal information, securely.
  • Wasabi : The photos you upload are stored on Wasabi. These images are used solely to provide you with our design services and are not shared with third parties for other purposes.
  • Amazon : We use Amazon's mailing services to communicate with you by email. Your email address is used exclusively to send you information related to your account or our services.
  • RunPod : We use RunPod to operate our AI model. RunPod has access to user images for this specific purpose. We take rigorous measures to ensure that your images are processed securely and confidentially.
  • Stripe : Financial transactions on our site are managed by Stripe. Stripe processes your payment information securely and in compliance with industry standards.

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information and sharing it only in the context of providing our services.

8. Contact

To resolve a complaint regarding the Services or to obtain additional information about the use of the Services, please contact us at the following address : [email protected] or via our our contact form.